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Пацієнт Олег Цмокалов отримав справедливу сатисфакцію в Європейському Суді з Прав Людини |
Monday, 20 March 2023
Про проблеми в лікуванні Олега Цмокалова ми вже писали раніше тут .
Олег постраждав від непрофесійних дій лікарів мурачівської ЦРЛ та Ужгородської ОКЛ в результаті неправильно встановленого діагнозу - хвороби Бехчета, (яка в Україні не зареєстрована - Відповідь Держкомстату України), що призвело до тяжких наслідків - довічної інвалідності. При лікуванні застосовувалися ліки, не дозволені для медичного застосування згідно висновку заступника головного державного інспектора України з контролю якості лікарських засобів.
Олег не здався і у захисті своїх прав дійшов до Європейського суду з Прав Людини і отримав справедливу компенсацію.
Далі - пряма мова:
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Read: 67 |
How Patient and Family Advisors Can Improve Quality |
Thursday, 15 May 2008
A new movement is spreading in the health care industry—one in which hospitals are
giving patients and their families a more powerful voice in the patient care
experience. Hospital leaders are enlisting patients and families to serve on
advisory councils that provide input into a multitude of hospital areas, from safety
and quality measures, as well as hospital design, building and expansion projects,
to the hiring of hospital leaders, the hospital admission process, clinical trial
design and medical resident training.
Take Hollis Ryan, who has had her share of experiences with the health care system.
She had become accustomed to accepting doctors and nurses as the authorities, and
herself as merely a bystander in her own care—to listen and do as she was told. More details... |
Read: 1911 |
Small Grants for Patient Safety Research |
Sunday, 13 April 2008
To be launched in July 2008 The Small Research Grants project is a new initiative of the World Health Organization's (WHO) World Alliance for Patient Safety. Its aim is to stimulate research studies on patient safety priority areas by providing seed funding for small research projects.
The WHO World Alliance would welcome research proposals that primarily focus on identifying, developing, and/or testing local improvement interventions for patient safety, as well as studies on cost-effectiveness of risk-reducing strategies. Other justified priorities identified at global, regional or local levels with potential for translation into policy and practice will also be considered.
More details... |
Read: 385 |
Patients for Patient Safety News, April 2008 |
Monday, 07 April 2008
Champion activities around the world:
- South Asia
- Europe
- Eastern Mediterranean
- The Americas More details... |
Read: 323 |
Patient Safety Interview: Susan Sheridan |
Saturday, 29 March 2008
Susan Sheridan became involved in patient safety after her family experienced two serious medical system failures. Her husband, Pat, died in 2002 after his diagnosis of spinal cancer failed to be communicated. Their son, Cal, suffered severe brain damage called kernicterus five days after his birth in 1995 when his neonatal jaundice was untreated. Susan is co-founder and past President of Parents of Infants and Children with Kernicterus, which works in partnership with private and public health agencies to eradicate kernicterus. In 2003, she co-founded Consumers Advancing Patient Safety, a non-profit organization that seeks a safe, compassionate and just healthcare system through proactive partnership between consumers and providers of care. More details... |
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International Forum on Quality and Safety in Health Care 2008 |
Friday, 01 February 2008
The 2008 International Forum takes place in the beautiful city of Paris, France. Centre of art, culture, gastronomy, literature and romance, the city exerts a timeless lure for visitors from around the world.
This year, we are offering many more opportunities for learning and networking. You can expect high profile plenary speakers, a mixture of sessions targeted at newcomers, and sessions for those more experienced in the field, chaired poster sessions, poster displays, moderated “show and tell” discussion groups, and our annual Best Poster Awards. More details... |
Read: 25465 |
When the Patient Is a Googler |
Saturday, 05 January 2008
We had never met, but as we talked on the phone I knew she was Googling me. The way she drew out her conjunctions, just a little, that was the tip off — stalling for time as new pages loaded. It was barely audible, but the soft click-click of the keyboard in the background confirmed it. Oh, well, it's the information age. Normally, she'd have to go through my staff first, but I gave her an appointment. More details... |
Read: 528 |
2nd International Patient Safety Congress, Antalya/Turkey |
Friday, 23 November 2007
Although “First do no harm” is the fundamental and one of the most important rules of any health practice, as days pass by, more studies show the actual extent that the medical errors take effect.
For this particular reason, Turkish Patient Safety Association which is established with the participation of related stakeholders in April 2006 with a view to place the Patients’ Safety concerns right in the core of Turkey’s agenda and initiated and carries out related awareness raising and training efforts in Turkey, has set “First do no harm” concept as the primary theme to be raised in the 1st International Patient Safety Congress, which is scheduled to be held in between 26th and 31st of March 2007. Together with the support of Joint Commission International (JCI) and World Health Organization the Congress has proved to be an opportunity and a venue for exchanging knowledge and experience for more than 500 local and international participants. More details... |
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3rd Global Patients Congress, 20-22 February 2008, Budapest, Hungary |
Friday, 09 November 2007
International Alliance of Patients' Organizations is delighted to announce that registration is now open for the 3rd Global Patients Congress which will be held in Budapest, Hungary between Wednesday 20 & Friday 22 February 2008.
To download the Preliminary Programme for the next Global Patients Congress, please click here. More details... |
Read: 5876 |
Website functionality Website is launched |
Tuesday, 07 March 2006
Today website is launched first time. More details... |
Read: 339 |
Ukrainian version of the website is most frequently updated.
We are trying to translate all materials when they come however it is
not always possible.
Therefore some materials appear at the website firs in Ukrainian
language and after translation in Russian and English. | |
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